Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Time stands still...

...when your child is sick...

Last Wednesday after Ashleigh's afternoon nap, she threw up in her crib. It was a new cry... a scared, I don't know what just happened cry. It went everywhere and even took out 2 of her favorite books (Moo Baa La La La and Not the Hippopotamus by Sandra Boynton). For the next two days, she was a lump! Just slept on Dave and I from morning until night. Finally on Saturday, she bounced back but then on Sunday she crashed again. It wasn't until yesterday that I think she returned to "normal." Unfortunately, I neglected my aching ear and ended up with an ear infection. Ouch! Now am taking anitbiotics for 5 days to clear it up. I'm having a hard time getting back on track with scrapbooking... just don't have the energy for it. Just want to snuggle with her again.

Forgot to add... Mother's Day was wonderful. We had apple fritters for breakfast, took a walk in the afternoon by the river and ordered Outback Steakhouse for dinner! Very nice. I even got a gift certificate to the spa I go to... $100! Very nice indeed. Thank you, Ashleigh (Dave, too)... Also, called my mom and wished her a happy day. She was busy packing for a trip to Orlando for work. Multi-tasking as usual but still able to listen as she always does... Thank you, Mom...

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