Monday, June 26, 2006

snap back to reality...

Well, it was a fun little trip down to Southern California... you know you had a good vacation when you have a tan line on your feet from your flip flops... :)

Ashleigh learned to swim with a little vest we picked up from Target... although we're going to do swim lessons just to get the real deal going...

Both of our nieces graduating from high school was fun to see... what was even better was all the South Orange County moms in high heels trudging around the dirt track looking oh so elegant... :)

We realized when we pack for the beach we should really bring a wheelbarrow.

We should have invested in cat barf colored carpets... what did those cats get into when we were gone?

And we had a minor brush with a couple of D celebrities... look here and here to see who they were... very cool, at least for us.

My current favorite photo from our trip (my daughter is looking like there's a paparazzi snapping her pic and she's giving her best cover of People face)... sweet. Oh, and if you can't read the star's name... it's the one and only Johnny Cash.

Very busy weekend for us, a birthday party for a cute little one year old and then visiting with friends in Davis (so great to have them so close)...

So, now I'm back to the heaps of laundry, the coffee stains on the counter, the spit up on my sleeves, and 100 degree plus weather... and, of course, there is my birthday this week... on Wednesday... I can't complain.

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