Thursday, July 06, 2006

So you think I got a funny face, I got no worries...

Just a few images of the last week or so for your viewing pleasure:

(this is what happens when a kind TJ's clerk hands my daughter nearly a whole roll of stickers!)

(we let her use our older digital camera to take some photos... quite cute, i think!)

(enjoying a patriotic cookie)

(enjoying his tiny toes)

(having fun with letters)

For some reason after Independence Day I always get a bit melancholy... having my birthday so close to a big celebration with fireworks and all leaves me with this great week of coolness and then bam! just like when the last colorful pyrotechnic display is done... nothing. There needs to be some sort of post-Fourth of July sale or something to get the adrenaline going again... And what's even more sad are all the empty firework stands... it's like a ghost town around here. Sigh.

Now if that doesn't make you sad, how about this?! Is the end of the world near...?

So, I've been checking out some sites that talk about raw foods and veganism... not that I'd start this type of lifestyle (at this point in my life, I can afford rib eye steaks finally), it's just that many of these places have awesome and creative ways to make ordinary good for you products look so darn tasty! My favorite has been here. Alas, she is done for the school year but, man, I so want one of those lunch boxes!

And as we enter the dog days of summer in my neck of the woods, Ashleigh has started swim lessons... Dave says it should be called Swimboree... I think he has something there.

And the littlest of dogs, Ryan, has been working on his crawling technique recently... oh joy, a toddler and a crawling baby! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Yay! I love the blog! :)

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