Sunday, October 14, 2007

Which do you want to be a part of?

While I sit here typing away with Ice Age The Meltdown in the background and my almost 4 year old greedily smacking away at her popcorn and the 21 month old poking through the bin of DVDs looking for his favorite, this is where my husband is until Wednesday on a business trip. As he walked around tonight in a glow he compared to daylight, he said there is a huge store dedicated just to M-n-M's as well as a giant blue one dressed up as Elvis. Only in New York. Oh, and only in 2007 can you call your husband on his cell phone and tell him to stand in front of the phone booth across from the T.G.I. Fridays so his daughter can wave to him online! Yep. We did that... yep.


Jane said...

The web cam is totally cool. I watched it for a few minutes.

Lizz said...

So cool! We tried to coordinate the Abbey Road webcam with someone here, but the time difference made it too hard!

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