Monday, September 08, 2008

Somewhat exhausted but still have to do more today.

We got up a bit early as Dave needed some help getting home from a bike ride... sweet.  Anyway, then we headed off to my mom's to check in on their house.  Then we went to Target to get some deals on back to school stuff (we did).  Now we're home and it's only 1pm.  Tonight is orientation night at preschool.  I have to speak to the group and say I'm the one who has been sending the emails about turning in your annoying paperwork and yes it's annoying for me too, thank you very much so don't tell me how much of a pain it is.  Man, I hate getting up in front of the group.  Sux.  But then my day is done.  

Oh and here's a silly photo from our last camping trip in August:

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